Infection Control Updates in Dentistry
In this update, the scientific background behind infection control and safety policies will be emphasized.

About this webinar
Dental personnel in the dental setting are at risk for exposure to infectious materials and environmental hazards. With attention to infection control CDC Guidelines and OSHA Standards, risks to team members and patients can be minimized.
In this update, the scientific background behind infection control and safety policies will be emphasized. Participants will be able to break the chain of infection, prevent exposure to blood-borne pathogens and other infectious materials, and provide a safe dental visit for all.
At the conclusion of this continuing education activity, the participant will be able to:
Describe the most recent CDC Guidelines and OHSA Standards for the dental setting
Explain the importance of a written office-specific infection control program
Describe the rationale and protocol for hand hygiene
Describe personal protective equipment
Describe policies and protocols for instrument processing and sterilization monitoring
Discuss the selection and use of disinfectants for environmental surfaces
Describe strategies to minimize contamination of dental unit waterlines
Identify resources and educational materials to support your infection control program

Marie Fluent DDS, CDIPC, faculty for this educational event, is a key opinion leader for Coltene and has received an antibiotic stewardship grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention.